Here are some of the groups and organizations your donations have helped.
Year Qty Recipients of flies
2007 2,500 KVCTU Youth Camp
2008 3,700 Brotherhood of the Junglecock, Reel and Heal of Toledo
2009 6,800 Project Healing Waters
2010 6,600 KVCTU Youth Camp, Reel and Heal of Toledo
2011 13,10 Project Healing Waters
2012 8,200 Casting for Recovery, KVCTU Youth Camp
2013 13,400 Reel Recovery
2014 11,000 National Fishing in Schools Program, KVCTU Youth Camp, Warriors and Quiet Waters
2015 10,000 Flyin' Heroes, Muskegon MI
2016 11,700 Casting for Recovery - Michigan , KVCTU Youth Camp
2017 11,600 TU Youth Camps, ILL, KVCTU, Teen Summit
2018 15,100 Anglers of the Ausable Youth Program, Casting for Recovery Indiana
2019 15,600 The Mayfly Project and Camp Kita
2020 20,300 Reel Recovery
2021 34,400 TU Youth Camps
2022 36,400 Casting for Recovery of Indiana and of Michigan
2022 44,600 Casting for Serenity, BHOJC, Mayfly P
Total 265,000